Detox baths for better sleep

This year has not been as easy one for me as far as my health. Back in February 2015 after weaning my youngest, I started to feel like something just wasn’t right. I was having a hard time remembering things, I couldn’t seem to get motivated to do anything, and overall, I just felt sick. Of course, I thought I was just going through a rough patch and that it would pass. But things took a turn for the worse until the depressive and anxious thoughts literally overtook my body. Fast forward 7 months later, seeing several specialists, psychiatrists, and holistic medicine practitioners, and it seems it was a GI issue along. Did you know that there is neural tissue in your gut?!?!?! I never knew this until I thought I was losing my mind. An unhealthy gut can make your brain unhealthy as well.

After my gallbladder surgery and the fact that my GI tract and liver are inflamed, I have started to watch everything that goes into my mouth. By following GAPS diet recipes as well as a Paleo lifestyle, I feel like I am gradually regaining my health. While there is a much deeper spiritual story to what I have experienced, I will go into more detail of that soon. This IMG_4396post is about detox baths. I first learned of these through Cara at Health, Home, and Happiness. I have started on a rotation of baking soda, epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, and seaweed kelp powder. When I was trying to detox after surgery and to rid my body of toxins from not following a healthy diet, I did these baths every night. I would do baking soda one night, epsom salts the next, then the apple cider vinegar and finally the seaweed kelp. I still maintain this rotation, but usually just four nights a week depending on how crazy things are. Experts say to do as hot of water as you can stand and be sure to be well hydrated before bathing. I also added this bath filter and this shower filter to cut down on chlorine and chemicals.

These baths have truly helped me sleep better, and my headaches are not near as bad or as frequent. This is such an easy thing to add to your health regimen with great results. Plus, it gives me a moment to relax, read, and enjoy some silence!